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Inloggen portalFirst of all, we wish you a speedy recovery! We also want to help you get back to work as soon as possible. The Absence Coordination Point (Verzuim Coördinatiepunt, VCP) and your own personnel manager will support you when you are ill. They will keep in touch with you and also contact the occupational health and safety service (arbodienst) if necessary. Below you can briefly read what we expect you to do when you are ill.
If you are ill, you must report to the AB Werkt on-call service and sign off work. The service takes calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. AB Werkt will then inform the company where you work that you have signed off work. Sign off on the first day that you are ill. If you work in the mornings, please sign off work at least one hour before the work starts. If you have been home for a few days and only then sign off work, this will be to your disadvantage. We only start to pay your sickness benefit from the first day you sign off work.
If you have signed off work, your personnel manager will contact you. They will speak your language and ask you a few questions to get a better idea of your situation. During the first week that you are ill, your personnel manager will keep in touch with you almost daily. It is therefore important that you can be easily contacted by phone. Save the phone number in your contacts, so you always know who is calling. Please also call us back if you have a voicemail or missed call.
If you are absent for longer than a week, we will call in the occupational health and safety service if necessary. They will also call you, sometimes on a withheld number. Bear this in mind. Please make sure you can be easily contacted by the occupational health and safety service and call back when requested. An interpreter will always be available during the phone call and can translate everything for you.
Once you have recovered, please report fit for work again by contacting the AB Werkt on-call service or your personnel manager. AB Werkt will then inform the company where you work.
Are you not ill, but still need to sign off work? For example, because you have to look after a family member at home who is ill? This is not sick leave, but care leave. In this case, you must again report to the AB Werkt on-call service and sign off work.
Do you have questions about the Absence Coordination Point? If you speak Dutch or good English, please call us on 085 487 4014 or send an email to VCP@ab-werkt.nl. If you wish to communicate in another language, please send your question about sick leave to helpdesk@ab-werkt.nl.